Do you have a morning routine that you stick to each day? I think developing a healthy morning routine is KEY to starting your day off right.
How To Develop A Healthy Morning Routine
Find What Is Important To You / If having morning devotional time is important to you, then put it into your routine. If having a smoothie first thing is important to you, then put it into your routine. Bottom line is that you need to figure out what is important to you because what is important to me may not be important to you. I need a clean house to work, whereas you may not!
Start With A Task That Motivates You / This is the biggest secret to my having the best day. I try to always start my day by making my bed which in turn motivates me to be more productive! By completing that one simple task, I feel like it sets me up for completing so many more tasks throughout the day! So find the task that motivates you!
Implement The Tasks Daily / Next step is to actually implement the steps. Sometimes this is difficult as each day may look a little different, things may come up, and life tends to get in the way. Find a way to make your routine short enough that you can implement it no matter the day.
Reflect On What Is Working / Figure out what is actually benefiting your morning and what is potentially harming it. Developing a morning routine takes time. Figure out what works for you. I promise once you develop it, your mornings will go so much smoother and therefore your day will go smoother!
Starting your day off right is so important and sets the precedence of how the rest of your day is going to go! I love having a morning routine that helps me to be more productive each day. Do you have any morning routine rituals that you swear by? Let me know in the comments!
Ashley Welborn
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Starting your day off right is so important. It literally sets the tone for the entire day ahead. I used to get up extra early and dedicate time to writing in a journal – just any old thoughts that came to me. Thanks for the reminder on this as I enjoyed that quiet time so much and want to start doing it again.
Such a good idea! Thank you for sharing what you do!
I don’t have much of a morning routine at home right now, but these are some great tips for developing one! Thanks for sharing, Ashley!
Thank you so much 🙂
Starting the day off right is so important! I love taking things slow in the morning so I can be prepared and stress-free as much as possible throughout the rest of the day.
Yes I feel this so much!
Love this! Totally agree with prioritizing the important things. For me the first thing is coffee!! lol
Haha I feel ya – like get in my veins ASAP!
I want to be good at a morning routine so bad, but it’s so hard! The only things I am consistently good at are walking my dog and watering my garden. Hopefully I can start waking up earlier to do even more!
That is a great start girl 🙂
I am SO NOT a morning person, but these tips were actually super helpful. My favorite was finding out what’s important to you. That’s something I never thought about. I always thought if you get up early, you have to eat breakfast, do this and then do that. But if that’s not important to me, then I don’t need to include it. SUCH GOOD WISDOM! This whole post just blew my mind on morning routines and I’m really thankful I read it!
Yes! I finally came to that conclusion recently as I was developing my morning routine! It is so true! Thank you so much!! Hope you have had good luck in developing a great morning routine!
Writing tasks and actually doing them, is a must for me. I can’t start my morning without it.
That is a great start to your day!