We need to stop caring what others think about us so much. Why do we care so much about other people’s opinions, even those of total strangers? Why do we do things, or not do things, because of how we expect others to react?
No matter the “why” the truth is, at some point, we base our actions and decisions on how we anticipate others will perceive us. As a result, we don’t always do the things we want to do, because we’re afraid of what others will think about us!
Why does it matter what others think about us? Why live your life unhappy while seeking the approval of others? Embrace yourself and love yourself for who you are.
Now more than ever, thanks to social media, people have no problem being mean and letting their harsh opinions fly. We see so many more negative comments because people have these platforms to hide behind.
We have got to come to a place where we are living our lives and not living by what we think others will perceive us as! I am sharing 5 ways to stop caring what others think about you!
1. Focus Where It Counts
This is SOOO important. We only have so mental energy we can devote to things. If we are constantly focused on what others think, we don’t have the mental energy for everything else in our lives. Worrying too much about what others think about us removes our focus from other things! Focus your energy on what is important in your life!
2. Think Worst Case Scenario Up Front
This means when you are doing something, ask yourself UP FRONT about what is the worst case scenario if I do ____? Will it be rejection, a bad review, or negative comments? Then ask yourself if you could survive that? Yes you can. Is it really that bad? NO, it is not. You have already thought of worst case scenario, so when it comes about, you aren’t surprised and can move on.
I think a better question to ask ourselves is “what is the worst case scenario if I don’t do the things in life that bring me joy and happiness?”
3. Stop Reading The Negative Comments/Reviews
Sometimes we can have 15 positive comments, but we are going to continue to dwell on the 1 negative comment. I don’t know what it is, but it happens to the best of us. We need to try to focus more on the good as that outweighs the bad. Choose to make positive, fulfilling, and productive decisions with your time instead of dwelling on the negative!
4. Understand You Don’t Need To Please Everyone
I was reading an article this past weekend and something stuck out at me. To become president, you don’t need 100% of the United States to like you. It is that simple. No matter who you are or what you do, there will ALWAYS be people who disagree with you. Find peace with it. Accept it. Don’t hide yourself.
Scripture talks about we are to please God, not man. Focus on pleasing and living your life for God. Don’t waste your time trying to get everyone to like you, because it’s impossible. Instead, focus on being a better person for those who do like you.
5. Realize It is About Them, Not You
The people who go out of their way to make hateful and negative comments or statements could is really a testament to their character. They have to be super unhappy with themselves to go out of their way to care so much about something that doesn’t even affect them. Why would someone who is happy, joyful, and loving life, take the time to go around and say hateful things? It is truly a reflection of the commenter. I know when I see or hear hateful things, I try to take a step back and realize that something could be going on in that persons life. I won’t ever know, but just trust that the negative statement is a reflection of their heart, not yours.
6. Pay Attention To The Who Matter Most To You
You support system cares about you and is closest to you and has your best interest at heart. Trust those you are surrounding yourself with because they know the most about you. You have a support system for a reason, so their opinion should truly be the only ones you care about.
7. Work On Loving and Accepting Yourself
When we care so much about what others think, I think it reflects on our own insecurities within ourselves. If you are confident in yourself and accept yourself for who you are, then you wouldn’t care so much about others opinions. So work on loving and accepting yourself for who you are and stop caring what others think about you!
Related Reading: 9 Ways to Love Yourself More Everyday
To sum it all up, I wanted to share a quote that I have come to live by. Lao Tzu says “care about people’s approval and you will always be their prisoner.”
I hope this post was encouraging and you can truly stop caring what others think about you so much. Be true to yourself!
Yes to all of this! Especially when it comes to realizing that you cannot please everyone and it’s okay if you don’t please everyone! It can be hard to actually put these ideas into practice but it is so helpful to not care what people think.
Yes it can be! But I am vowing towards little steps each day! Progress over perfection!
#2 has helped me so much. I know some people say I’m being too pessimistic by thinking of the worst case scenario, but it usually causes me LESS stress. Because often the worst that will happen isn’t all that bad and I realize I’m worrying for nothing. And then I can think, “Even if THAT happens, I can still do THIS about it” to make it better.
Yes! It is thinking ahead, so you aren’t blindsided. It is realizing you can survive whatever negativity comes your way!
I really need this reminder at times. I am getting better at not caring but sometimes it is still hard to do!
Yes so hard, but I am working towards it with baby steps each day!
I’m terrible about caring what others think — my husband on the other hand, is so carefree. I definitely need to be more like him.
Yes, my husband is too! He is definitely the person that helps me work towards this each day!
AMEN to all of this, Ashley! Spot on in every way. Love the part on focusing on what you need to. It’s so true!
Yes it is! I am working on this each day!
These are all great reminders for everyone. At the end of the day, you have to do what makes you happy and not live your life for someone else. Especially when those people probably aren’t people you would want to surround yourself with!
Yes exactly! We get so caught up in pleasing others that we don’t even know! We need to work towards pleasing ourselves 🙂
I am a people pleaser to the core and this was such a good reminder! Thank you so much for pouring out your heart and sharing information that is so needed!
I am too, so I wrote this aimed at myself and where I struggle! Thank you for taking the time to read and respond 🙂